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We offer comprehensive support to Italian students wishing to study at British universities

Valdo Academics offers all customers a free telephone consultation where we clarify the admission process for students and families and send you (always and strictly FREE) examples of personal statements.​ Call us and we it will be nice to talk to you!​

Secondly, we offer complete assistance (in Italian and English) throughout the entire process of university applications in the United Kingdom

  1. Choice of university and degree courses

  2. Curriculum enrichment (internships, research, university lessons) 

  3. Planning of the personal statement

  4. Test preparation and university interviews

Anchor 3

Shine among the candidates

Last year, 93% of our Italian clients' university applications resulted in an offer, compared to an Italian average of 55% and a UK average of 69%!(Source:UCAS)

This added value is due to the holistic preparation that we offer: from the initial consultations, up to the announcement of the results in July, we will be at your side to help you.


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More success

On average, Italian students enter approximately 2 universities (2.75 to be precise), while Valdo Academics students enter almost 5 out of 5! (The average is 4.6). (Source:UCAS)

Less risk

In 2019, 13.5% of applicants had to undergo clearing - that is, resubmit their applications in August because their school grades did not match the university offers. We help kids make wise choices that reduce this risk to 3.53%. (Source:UCAS)

Anchor 1

Students in their final year of high school: 

The personal statement

What is the
personal statement?

The Personal Statement is a presentation letter with which you will demonstrate to universities that you are an unmissable candidate. This letter must be purely academic and meet precise structural criteria.


The characters


You can only use up to 4,000 characters (600 words) to explain why you are the ideal candidate.

These are very few words, but with an impressive weight!

The most important variable

In addition to the personal statement, your universities will receive your grades from the last two years, i comments from your professors on your academic performance and a prediction of your final grade, signed by your professors.

However, once in the final year, these parameters are already determined by your performance in the past years. The personal statement
It is therefore the most important variable to influence the probability of success of your application at this point in your journey.

We have developed an in-house method to help Italian students write their personal statement.

1. We help you identify your achievements and create a CV

You'll work with a trained consultant to complete an overview of all your accomplishments and passions. Even examples that seem less significant can be fundamental!

  • From books read as academic study to those read as a pastime

  • From the organizational ability demonstrated in sporting activities, to the determination in competitive sport

  • From your favorite topics at school, to your work experiences

All your accomplishments can be turned into insights into your academic ability to demonstrate why you are a must-win candidate.

2. We help you transform your CV into a pitch

After listing all your achievements, you will transform them according to the standardized STAR format:


  • Situation: What was the context of your achievement?

  • Task: What exactly did you need to accomplish?

  • Action: What did you do?

  • Result: What measurable goal did you achieve? How did you exceed expectations?


This will enable you to create a series of detailed paragraphs about your successes, validating their effectiveness with an expert.

3. We help you find your story (first draft)

Once you have laid out all your milestones in STAR format, you will be able to select the most effective paragraphs.

  • These will create the skeleton of your personal statement

  • The next step is therefore to sew them together, developing a personal and unique branding and story that highlights your journey.

4. We teach you to cut words (final version)

Finally, we help you reduce the number of words to meet the 4,000 character limit. At the end of this phase, the personal statement obtained will be the result of a distillation that has retained only the most relevant points for the admission application in question.

So... do you write the personal statement for us? 

Certainly not! We are a tutoring agency: professionals dedicated to education as a lifestyle and passion. If we were to write personal statements for our students, we would diminish the importance of our work. Moreover, it would be demeaning for you, our pupils.


Our goal is to nurture bright, enterprising, and responsible minds.


It is up to you, the students, to do the work. We can guide you and accurately describe the steps to follow, creating a program so that obstacles can be tackled more calmly. However, the learning journey lies in facing the challenges, not in reaching the destination with a shortcut.


Should universities invite you for an interview or test, we have a dedicated team to help you shine

Preparing for tests

We can help you develop an action plan to prepare for the exams your UCAS Application requires. 

Here on the side you can see some examples of tests we have worked on






Step 1, Step 2, Mat


TSA (Oxford)

Preparation for interviews

Some universities will invite you for an interview on Skype or in person.

These interviews are mainly aimed at testing your academic skills and therefore it is difficult to prepare at the last moment.

Therefore, if your application requires an interview, you can work with us to prepare in advance.

Oxford and Cambridge

We can help you with mock interviews and interview coaching services for Oxford and Cambridge, with consultants who have studied at these universities and have helped several students get into these universities.


Medical interviews will ask you to use both your academic and professional medical knowledge. We can simulate interviews with specialized consultants to help you improve both of these areas.

Start your journey

All of our programs begin with a free, personalized consultation.


Students in their penultimate year, or in the summer between their penultimate and senior year

If you are in this phase, you are in the last moment to be able to plan the application path in advance. At this time, you can still take advantage of the opportunities offered by the summer to enrich your CV.

Anchor 2

Plan ahead! There are five steps to focus on where we can help you.


Choose with us the universities where you will apply


The choice of universities is not simply based on rankings.

  • You will need to identify your high-risk universities (where it is possible but difficult to get in) and those where you are safe to get in. What will be the optimal level of risk to expose yourself to?

  • You'll need to figure out which cities are right for your personality type: do you prefer a campus-style university like Oxford, or an urban university like LSE?

  • Do you prefer the theoretical or practical aspects of your course of study? Are you interested in research?

  • How much will it cost you? Will you be able to take out the infamous honor loan to pay for your studies?

  • What is the difference between Scottish and English universities?

  • Are there scholarships available?


Our role is to help you answer these questions and help you achieve a peaceful and stimulating university future.


Reach the desired "predicted grade"

.TOAt the beginning of your senior year, your professors will have to make a prediction of your final grade. 


This "predicted grade" will be sent to universities and will be one of the main factors that will influence the outcome of your applications.


Through our strengthening and repetition programs, we can help you achieve the grade you want to achieve.

Demonstrate genuine passion with your CV


Develop your resume and explore your passion


The summer that awaits you offers a unique opportunity to explore the subjects that interest you and demonstrate your passion through courses, individual lessons, summer schools, specific readings and internships.You need to accumulate these experiences now, to be able to write your personal statement in August or September!


For each of our students, we organize a stimulating path that allows them to accumulate the necessary wealth of experience to demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject.

We can help you enrich your resume in three main ways

University lessons

We organize university lectures in the subject of interest

Apply for UCL

Politics, Philosophy, Economics

University lessons

We organize university lectures in the subject of interest

Apply for UCL

Politics, Philosophy, Economics

Case study: Lezioni Universitarie


Carla voleva studiare  Politica, Filosofia, Economia a UCL.

La abbiamo messa in contatto con un tutor specializzato. Assieme, hanno studiato John Rawls e Robert Nozick, apprendendo elementi di political philosophy, che hanno riconnesso a un’analisi dei pro e contro di "Obamacare" negli USA, e delle politiche economiche democratiche e repubblicane.


Carla ha potuto parlare di queste esperienze nel suo personal statement, ed è stata accettata in tutte le università a cui ha fatto domanda.



We help you look for an internship in a related field

Question for Warwick
Applied Mathematics




We help you look for an internship in a related field

Question for Warwick
Applied Mathematics


Summer Schools

We can recommend summer schools in the United Kingdom

Student undecided between 
Law and Economy

Summer Schools

We can recommend summer schools in the United Kingdom

Student undecided between 
Law and Economy

Finally, we help you reap the benefits of a year of preparation


Write the Personal Statement


All the experiences you have accumulated over the years will be summarized in a single essay: the personal statement.

This will be written early or during your senior year, so you still have time to flesh out your resume! 


Tests and interviews


Many courses require extra exams and interviews, in addition to predicted grades and a personal statement. For example

  • Medicine

  • Law

  • PPE

  • Mathematics

  • Liberal arts

  • Business

It is critical to prepare as far in advance as possible for these tests, which will occur in your senior year, and we can create customized programs to help you do this.

Case study: Internships


Anna wanted to apply to Warwick to study applied mathematics.

We identified a passion for statistics, so we arranged an internship with one of our partners, Power Play Theatre: a self-funding theater company selling statistical analysis studies into the British art world.


Anna was able to learn advanced statistical concepts and contribute to a study on gender equality in British theater – an experience she mentioned in her statement, and helped her get into every university she applied to.

Case study: Summer schools


We work with a wide range of partners to recommend the best summer schools in the UK to families.


For example, one of our students was undecided whether to study law or economics. We put him in touch with a summer school that specializes in teaching college material in these subjects. By accessing their courses, the student was able to experience the topics first-hand and decide to apply for Economics. Supported by the distance learning lessons of our tutors, at the end of the course he entered the London School of Economics (LSE).

Find out more about Valdo Academics


International Baccalaureate






All of our programs begin with a free consultation. Book yours!



Srl Unipersonale
Capitale sociale Euro 10.000 i.v.
Sede legale Via Ada Negri, 10
09127 Cagliari, CA, Italia

Cagliari P.Iva 03967010921
CF 03967010921

Valdo Academics SRL non è affiliata

con la College Board o l'international baccalaureate organisation.

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